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Cargill Donation
Wow what can we say Cargill Canada! A huge thank you! And Happy 9th Anniversary STICH Supper Club
Food Handlers Course
Food Handlers Course
Are you interested in obtaining your Food Handlers course? Students, having this looks great on a resume.
The Southwestern Public Health offers several ways to obtain it. Below is a link to the options offered by them to obtain the certification.
Option # 2 Online food handler courses: Prices range from $20-$40.00 (Stich will reimburse upon successful completion). You will need a computer with a working camera.
Option # 3 Challenge the Exam. Under the self study option on their website there is a food handler manual where people can read and study at your own speed. We would need a group of people to put together for Southwestern Public Health to come out and proctor an exam.
Keep Smiling 🙂
Paula D’Orazio
President, Stich Supper Club
General meeting
Feb. 6 menu
The Stich supper club menu for next week Thursday Feb. 6th will be chili dogs, macand cheese and a hot vegetable and a salad. Soups from Louie’s Pizza & Pasta and Joker’s Crown, pizzas from Titos and Little Caesar. Desserts and breads from The Rose and Daffodil Bakery and Your Independent Grocer . Thankyous go out to Trembletts Independent Grocer for the generous donations of Jakemens maple syrup and Jakemens pancake mix. Thanyou to Dot for the generous donation of muffins.
More Volunteer job opportunities
Empty Van: from 11:30 am until 1 pm Individual must be able to carry large boxes of groceries
Food prep: 10:30 am until 1:30 pm
Floor cleanup: From 6:15 pm until 7 pm Sweep and mop the floor.
For more info contact Linda Smith at 226-378-4798 or
Volunteer position opportunity
Volunteer position opportunity
In light of Janice Malby’s resignation we are seeking a head cook for the Stich Supper Club! This is a volunteer position.
If you have a passion for food and serving our community, we’re looking for you!
You will lead the kitchen team weekly in planning and preparation of weekly meals.
You will be required to have, or get your Food Handling Course or equivalent.
Please contact us at or call Paula at 519-425-2618.
Nov. 28 menu
The STICH Supper Club menu for next week Thursday Nov. 28th will be meatloaf, mashed potatoes, hot vegetables and a salad. Soups from Louie’s Pizza & Pasta , breads and desserts from Rose and Daffodil Bakery and Your Independent Grocer . Pizzas from Titos Little Caesers. Our Christmas dinner with Turkey and all the trimmings will be Dec.19th. There will be 2 seatings so make sure you get your seating tickets. First seating will be 4:30-5:15, second seating from 5:30- 6:15.
Generous Donation from Farm Credit Corporation
Farm Credit Corporation has granted $25 000 to STICH Supper Club in Oxford to help with Food Rescue Feeding Oxford’s work to move food to those providing it to less fortunate members of the public. As a participant in the Food Rescue group’s work, STICH Supper Club will help coordinate with Cycles of Life, South Gate Centre’s Food Angels, Seniors in Food Crisis, Lunch Bunch and Operation Sharing in the acquisition of free, excess food in bulk, and its distribution through those groups as meals and nutritious supplies to families, seniors, children and others less fortunate.
STICH Supper Club thanks the Farm Credit Corporation for their generosity and their commitment to our community and those across Canada.
Farm Credit Corporation is making significant donations through their AgriSpirit Fund to other projects. See also:…/fcc-contributes-community…
In the next short while, you will spot a van which they enabled us to purchase, and which will move more food more effectively.